Asia/Europe Continental Border

Asia/Europe Continental Border

Friday, April 15, 2011

I Know I have been away a long time...........

Wow, It's been a long time it seems since I have had the chance to sit and write about a few things.
Today the boys napped early and I am taking advantage of the sunshine and spring weather to sit and write for a little while.

The days get better and better and the boys are learning fast.  Someone told me today that when the twins are four years old, that's when it becomes two kids and not twins.  Apparently it is a little easier then ! I wait patiently for that time. 

Until then I enjoy what we have. They are bonded very well, contrary to the "specialists" that think I should have boarded my windows and doors for 6 months, ordered take out and not let anyone have contact with me or the boys.   If they only knew we actually WENT to Disney World and did not heed the advice that the experience would be so traumatic for the boys.

Don't they look totally traumatized in these pics......

So glad we decided to listen to our own instincts about OUR kids and not all the "specialists" !

Noah, who was not eating for over a month, suddenly began to eat in Disney and has not stopped since.
It is a Magical Place. He must have eaten because he was so traumatized ! 
The trip did wonders for our bonding, they loved the drive to Florida and staying in a hotel and seeing all the sites.
Now is this for every adopted kid after 3 months, probably not, but I knew that my two could handle it.
Spending 14 waking hours a day with them, I think I know what they can and cannot handle !

They really enjoyed being regular kids and we enjoyed being regular parents too.  Wathcing them transform with every activity; like when we went into the pool for the first time.
They did not understand why we were putting them in the water with their clothes on !  It took a few moments and then Jack had the total hang of it.  Noah needed a little more reassurance and a float being held by Mom or Dad, but he did great.

Can't wait to see them on the beach in the summer !!  Hope Mattie and Jake plan their trip here soon !

Well, I know its been several weeks and some trying moments and I am sure there are still more ahead,
but it is coming along.  Every bit of advice that every adoptive parent gives you is correct.  They are NEVER wrong, but the doctors and specialists are frequently wrong !

Noah has some procedures scheduled in the coming few weeks, so hope that all goes well.
So  far, they are just being normal kids. Testing the boundaries, being defiant, being silly and so on.
Just wish warm weather would come sooner !!

Will post more soon !