I'm not quite sure that the boys understood what Easter Sunday was, to them it was a bunch of people handing them eggs and candy. They did seem to really enjoy all this pomp, a trip to the boardwalk and some rides for the first time, dinner with the Grand folks and so on. By next year it will probably all come together for them.
As the Adoptive Parents say, each day does get easier. The boys are adjusting well and fell into their routines and home life quite comfortably. We take our walks, play in the park, and with the warmer weather comes new outings like hiking trails, beach and more boardwalk !
Communication is coming along very well; they understand everything and are beginning to make more and more words and gestures every day. Taking them out by myself is not that difficult, we have our routines, and they follow the rules really well. They love to walk hand in hand to the park or just down the block. I can see the bonding and they love Mommy and Daddy alot.
Jack is especially bonded to my father, Nonno. They are inseparable when we are together ! It is so cute and equally pathetic ! Noah loves everyone, such a happy go lucky kid that doesn't let his sicknesses get him down. He has been feeling much better and the medicines seem to be helping him. The therapists said he is a different kid, and I have to agree.
Holidays should have special meaning, but right now we are just enjoying being a family. As the boys understand more, I believe we will enjoy the holidays more. Teaching them about the traditions and the history of each event. Last week they were 28 months old. Wow ! Seems like we met them just yesterday and we were waiting for our court date daily; and now here we are with our first post placement review scheduled already.
Noah and Jack are thriving, and I can't help but think about all those children that are not being given a chance. It breaks my heart. So much is being done for these boys here in the states that never would have been done in Russia; medically speaking. Noah is not the sick boy they made him out to be. Does he has some medical issues, yes he does, but he is a loving and sweet toddler that just wants to play and be held. He needs attention,, love and commitment. He is eating well now, sleeping well, playing, learning and talking. Things that the Russian judge would have sworn he would never do.
Hopefully someday the path to adoption will get easier and less expensive. There are a lot of kids and parents out there waiting to be joined together. Why do governments stand in their way?