Asia/Europe Continental Border

Asia/Europe Continental Border

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Region Change

So after our initial excitment of being told we could be travelling in September or October....we waited. Of all the books you will read and all the chat groups, everyone will tell you that the waiting part is the worse. At first I thought "well this isn;t so bad" then the days grew to weeks and then months. I was wrong, the waiting was brutal. The not knowing was more brutal, especially for a control freak like me. This was out of my control and I knew it, and my patience was being tested daily. Everytime a concerned friend or family member asked "did you hear anything" you appreciated their love and concern but at the same time you want to scream "NO !! AND I AM FREAKING OUT !!!". But you said that quietly in your head and just tell them you are still waiting. giving the facade of calmness and coolness, all the while you head is imagining scenarios, faces, travel, experiences and anything else that you can speculate and anticipate.
So now September and October passed with no what. Do I call and be a pain or do I wait. So I waited a week and then sent a cheery email to our agency asking if they had any recent word. Under my breath I was actually typing....what the ^#$%....WHERE IS MY REFERRAL !! but that isn't what I asked.
Our agency said she still hadn't heard anything and was hoping in the next few weeks we would get a call. And so the waiting continued. The chat room searches continued, reading peoples posts about their referrals and their travel plans. Hoping that my turn would come soon. Joe is much better at being patient then I am at even pretending to me patient...thank God he is by my side !!

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