I mailed the request for the LCSW Verification letter on August 30, 2010. The one that we received in June was expiring on August 30, 2010 and we needed a new one. I remembered that it took 5 weeks to get the last one and I believe someone at the ever efficient NJ Office of the Attorney General probably lost it, and when I emailed consumer affairs wondering where it was, I got an immediate response from the director. Poor Guy didn't realize how efficient I was [ he should have me on his team] and I saved his email and his secretary's email. So after a week I began to email, and email and email again. Yes it took 3 weeks but I got my document on Sept. 21, ONE DAY after a package just went off to Russia, but at least I got it.
This was the last "official" document we were waiting for in order to present to the courts. PHEW ! Yeah, don't worry, the shoe will drop and there will be 10 more documents to redo !
Then I get an email today from EAC [European Adoption Consultants], an adoption agency whole email list I am on from my searches in 2009. SERBIA COMPLETES ADOPTION IN ONE TRIP....wow, what a way to slap me in the face !
Yes, Serbia is very similar to Russia, although I have not done any research on the country. Mind you that all these easier quicker ways to adopt come about AFTER you have met your child and can't wait to get them. I would not change anything now for the world because they are my boys and I want them home...but for anyone just starting....AVOID RUSSIA if there is an easier way. They are not getting easier or cheaper, and believe me that I don't look for the path of least resistance; just maybe a road with passable lanes would be nice !
If nothing else I can tell you that the amount of money to redo things is absolutely ludicrous and it would explain why Russians are not the Superpower they are capable of being. Get the old communists bureaucrats out and let the youth of that country begin to run it and enter the electronic age and watch how fast it would propel itself to a higher standing in the world.
Just in Apostille "RUSH FEES" and UPS I most certainly over $2500. Now I don't mean to bitch about costs so much, because I would not chosen Russia if that was the only factor, but the absurdness of so much of this makes PAPs scratch their heads over and over.
But on a lighter note, God is aligning the stars for us. Yesterday Our LCSW verification came in the mail, Kathlyn [my best friend travelling to Moscow with us] found her passport after a 2 month search and the doctor cleared me of any problems with my breasts. [ small worry on a mammogram that turned out to be nothing....phew]. So it looks like 9/21 was a good day and hopefully the next few weeks will bring news of travel.
Kathlyn wants to plan a shower for us, but we discussed it and I believe that after we return with the boys would be a better time. First, we have no idea what size they are now or how much they weigh and Second, a party once we get home will give everyone a chance to meet them as well. I looks like we are going to stay in Russia and take a short jaunt to Italy during the 2 week waiting period between trip one and two. It costs $400 to go to Italy or $1200 to come back home......duh ! So we will porbably spend another week with the boys after court, knowing they are 'officially ours', then fly to Rome to meet Kathlyn and Paul for a week. Kath and Paul will then fly to Moscow and wait for us while we go to Ekat to get the boys.
We are planned, packed [ two new toddler backpacks to help us get Jask and Noah through the airport] a new double stroller at home, courtesy of Auntie Angie, bedroom, clothes, travel stuff, donations....you name it ! Now we just need to be given a court date !
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children. "
Nelson Mandela
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