Asia/Europe Continental Border

Asia/Europe Continental Border

Friday, December 17, 2010

We survived our first week back..............

Today is Friday Dec 17 and we survived our first week back in Ekat.  Spending everyday 2x a day with our boys is such a treat; but the ideas of how and what to play with in one room grow exhausted.  We have not been able to go for a walk outside because Noah is fighting a really bad case on Bronchitis, so outdoors is off limits.
We do our best to find new things to play with.  Noah and Jack have discovered our water bottles and they love them !  They drink water they have walked 30 miles in the desert.  I know they limit their drink in the orphanage, but fluids are so important when kids are sick.  I know if we got caught we would get yelled at, but until then, I am giving my boys all the water they want !  They drink from the water bottles and hold them like old pros !
Yesterday Yuri had all the paperwork signed off by the family members, so it looks like everything is a go for us. No one disputed the adoption from the family. Monday at 10am we meet with the orphange doctor to go over the medicals from the past year.  I have to remember to write everything down to bring to our US docs when we get back !
Wednesday we will meet with Olga to get ready for court.  It seems all of our docs were accepted by the judge (the redo ones we brought with us). 
We did visit the little Pub that we saw on trip one but never ventured to; it was really neat and interesting inside.  Very German !   Last night the Park Inn had a holiday party for all their clients and guests and Anatoly invited us.  We mingled and met Maria, Anatoly's girldfriend. Olga was there too and Anatoly introduced us to a nice gentleman Mr. Lawson that is here from Britian. He lives in the hotel all but 6 weeks of the year !   Several Americans from NC and CA were here on business and they heard us at the party buffet line and we chatted for a few moments.  Americans are always happpy to see other Americans in a world of Russian language.
We tried Glu, which is the russian version of Sangria but served hot and I opted to have it with a shot of amaretto, YUM !  It was just what my sore throat and cold needed ! A Russian hot tottie !
We walked around a little the day before yesterday and we went to the new mall across the street from the Park Inn.  Not too much in the way of our kind of shopping but a nice grocery store where we were able to get some stuff for our room, hand sanitizer (important !) and some wine.  They offered us a discount card !  Yes, we now have a Russian Market Discount Card, just in case we need it again.

Jack and Noah are becoming a little more verbal, making more and more sounds. They respond to Mama and Papa and know who we are, that is the best feeling in the world.  We are using both their names when we address them, to help with the transition.  We watched the staff practice for a play they are performing the kids later and we were their music room audience. It was funny, even if we didn't understand what they were saying.

Noah does his breathing treatments everyday for his bronchitis and he sits like a little man on Papa's lap and holds the mask and does the treatment. What a good boy !  If only we can get my mother to do her treatments ! 

Hopefully the weathe will cooperate and we can venture about this weekend. Next week is supposed to be in the negatives, so I don't think we'll be doing much walking around.  We hope to get to the Mall this weekend.  I just keep counting the days to get outta here and get home with my boys !

Aunt Kath and Mom and Dad are gonna go crazy when they meet them at the airport! 
Here are a few photos and I will post more in coming days !


Beth said...

I what do you do ?? Are they having fun?? When will they come home so I can see them?? What are you going to get for Christmas? ( all was dictated from Mattie). I can not wait till I can see them. Judge is stinky and smelly and she must go in jail and have a lock so she can not get out. She needs handcuffs on her hands and ankles ( again dictated by Mattie).

Love Mattie, and Jake and Beth

What is your favorite show in Russia? What is your favorite number? What is your favorite letter?? ( Again dictated from Mattie he makes me laugh and I hope this puts a smile on your face)

Sandy LaMonaca-DiEduardo said...

Love it ! Spoke like a true Cop in training !! We are actually thinking about coming up to Boston for Easter. Do you have any plans?