Asia/Europe Continental Border

Asia/Europe Continental Border

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Evaluations.....and Criticisms !

After adoption every one seems to ask the same questions;  would you do it again, who did you use, were you happy with the agency, why Russia etc.

Well here are a few evaluations of the entire process.

Russia is becoming more and more difficult to adopt from, this is sad because there are wonderful children there that need loving homes.  Yekaterinburg, where we were assigned to is a nightmare with paperwork; and sadly the children are great, but agencies and parents shy away because of the expense and the wait time.

We used Frank Adoption Agency in Raleigh NC.  They were very courteous and professional from start to finish.  One thing about ALL agencies in the USA, remember --this is about money. Regardless what ANYONE actually says, it is still a business. That isn't a bad thing, just a fact thing.

The team in Yekaterinburg that worked with Frank was fantastic. Lydia, Olga and Yuri could not have been more professional, fun and loving.  Irina and Olga the court translator and Rennie and Larissa were great people too.  These were people that were from the baby home side that we worked with in court.

Moscow--well what can I say about Moscow...I didn't like it nor the team that was there.
After being stranded there for 4 days and the Moscow Frank team could have cared less. That was a very disheartening part.  The team in Ekat would actually call me to check on me and see if we were OK, but the people in Moscow that worked for the same agency could not be bothered with our dilemma.  That upset me that an agency would leave people stranded without any help in a foreign country.
The travel agency was not a big help either. For the fees that were charged I would have been better off doing the booking myself.
I am STILL trying to get a refund for unused tickets on Aeroflot and it cost us $3k to get home.

This left more bitterness in my heart for a country that I don't feel cares about its kids as much as they like to profess.  If they cared, then get them OUT of the orphanage and into people's homes and stop worrying about parents medicals re done every 3 months. A waste of time and money and resources; that's the communist mentality not the majority mentality.  It is all bureaucracy and money...don't let anything fool you that it isn't.

Frank int he states did their job as they were supposed to.  I think they could have know the Russian side a little better, but that didn't make them bad by any means. They were honest and up front and always professional.   I really cannot say that anything would have been better or worse with another agency.
Every other adoptive family I worked with seems to have some complaint about their agency, it's the nature of the business.  It is a very emotional business for the client and a very business business for the agency.

1) Would I do it again?? : NEVER---I love my boys and I am very happy we received two children so they grow up with a sibling, but I give kudos to people that do this 3-4 times in Russia.  I don't have that patience, money and tactfulness to do it once more and keep my mouth shut !

2) Were we happy with Frank Adoption Center: Overall, yes we were happy with Frank and IF we ever did it again would probably use them.  I hope that they branch into other countries and areas soon because Russia is quickly becoming a sad reality for many families.  The costs are skyrocketing, the wait times and the paperwork is getting worse and the demands are unrealistic for a lot. 

3) Why Russia: Well, read my earlier posts for that one.  But Here is the Reality about Russia---love me or hate for what I am about to say-- but it is my freedom.
It is where my boys were born and for that reason and only that reason I will show them respect.  For what the court systems are doing to these 750,000 orphans in their country--for that they deserve no respect.

Although they are trying to expand foster care, which is a great idea in any country, the orphanages are still institutions and that is somewhere that children DO NOT belong.   The whole thing about keeping them on the registry for 8 months before they can be adopted internationally---that needs to be ABOLISHED !
Children need OUT of these institutions and WHO CARES who takes them, as long as they are qualified and loving.  The PRIDE has got to stop when it comes to caring for these babies !

If the issues these children have,  that are so loud and blatant about Post Institutionalized children does not change it, then it is up to US as a society of civilized people to change it !  We care about freedom in Egypt, democracy in Iraq, rebuilding Haiti, but there are millions of orphans everywhere that want families and thousands of families that want children.....hello---this is NOT rocket science people !

We care about parental rights, country rights, but what about the Child's RIGHTS ??!!  Don't they have rights too?  A family, a home, siblings, an education.  One mother I know in Italy has been waiting 17 months for a COURT DATE....this is unacceptable.  Meanwhile, her adoptive son's issues could get worse and worse in an institution because of paperwork and a judge. 

They want my children to keep their citizenship, well that will be up to my children.  As far as I'm concerned, their country left them in an institution for 14 months too long.  They were 11 months old when we got their paperwork and 25 months old when they got home to America.....Is this really really necessary????

I know I am ranting now......but I want people to know and this is the only way to tell the world that I know.
Many Adoptive parents are just so happy to be home, they let all the hurt and pain go.  Well I cannot sit back and watch other families continue to suffer and wait because of misdirected pride !

Everyone made such a BIG HUGE deal over Artem, the 7 year that was sent back to Russia.  Why aren't we making that SAME big deal over the tens of thousands of babies left there while families are waiting !!

OK-- I vented- that will be it for my evaluations and criticisms for now.  The rest of this blog will be about
my boys and how great they are and how they are growing and learning everyday.

I thank you Frank Adoption and Yekaterinburg Russia for my children.  They too will thank you some day for allow them the chance that they deserve !

“There are no unwanted children, just unfound families.”

– The National Adoption Center

1 comment:

Beth said...

BRAVO so very well said!! I feel the same way the thought of all those kids over there and every other country breaks my heart if it was not for the high cost my boys would have a sister or 2 I know I sound like a crazy person but all those children who need homes just break my heart.