Asia/Europe Continental Border

Asia/Europe Continental Border

Monday, June 7, 2010


Friday June 4, 2010 we took our perfectly manicured and sheet protected binder full of documents to DHL for shipping to Russia sans fingerprints and one Florida document (which we would send along later.)  $187 and 3 lbs of paperwork, yes 3 lbs of paperwork.  Laura and Beth know what I'm talking about, some others can only begin to comprehend !  I spent one full day scanning EVERY document and apostille into my computer, placed them on an external hard drive and on a portable flash drive, and made hard copies for Frank Adoption and for my records.  Think I'm being a little over protective?!  I even told the poor guy at DHL that if anything happened to that package I would personally come back and find him and dispose of his body forever !  Ok, maybe that was harsh, but I said it with a smile.  I then sent the DHL tracking number to Olga and Michalina for reference.
We come home from the shipping and guess what is in the mail waiting for us? Yep, FBI Fingerprint Clearances.  Really?!  It isn't such a bad thing anyway because we were still waiting for the Florida Apostille on the timeshare (wish the darn accountant had taken that one out !), then the FBI prints need to be Apostilled as well.   Them, we need to attach a letter from the Sheriff's Dept as to WHY they could not get spaces in our last names..yes, we are back to this space thing again.  Luckily, we have connections at the Sheriff's Dept. ! :)
So, to top it off our medicals expire on June 18, 2010... A very significant date in our lives. First it is my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary (God 50 years and neither of them killed eachother), secondly, it is the DAY our dossier was submitted to Russia last year.  Weird coincidence?  But, we were already prepared for the expiration and have everything set up for the second round of medicals.  Luckily the FBI prints don't expire until August, but we have a few other things that need to be redone as well in the meantime.
I figured if I had to start redoing docs I may as well start early, right?!
Pasha and Sasha wait as mom and dad round the hurdles and over the bends.  We are travelling where so many strong, brave and wonderful adoptive parents have travelled before us, and we know it can be done !
Thank you to those of you that have made the path a little less daunting!


Laura said...

Whew...what a relief that the 3 lbs. is on its way and now just a few more to send in the next shipment.

I love your upbeat attitude. Keep it up ~ even when things seem to be closing in and you're ready to pull your hair out, keep your eyes on the finish line. Makes it so much easier to endure.

It's a great day!


P.S. Hopefully it won't happen to you but just be prepared for when your package makes it to Russia, (yes, you'll be checking that darned tracking number hourly) it may take Olga a few days to pick it up. Our FINAL package from DHL sat there for 3 days...BUT after she picked it up, we got the call immediately to go to Russia!

Sandy LaMonaca-DiEduardo said...

GREAT !! I am hoping that happens, but since the judge takes off in July,I am not anticipating a quick response. I now have to redo the medicals, but its all good. Already prepared for that !