Asia/Europe Continental Border

Asia/Europe Continental Border

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Final Days??

So this is where the pressure of the final days of document preparation really starts to get to you.  I have now sent our Florida Timeshare deed back to the Orange County Comptroller 3x with minor things that needed correction.  Even though they were asked to please email or call me with any problems; no they chose to use my $26 return prepaid airbill (twice) to send all the documents back to me so that I could write a new check, because I overpaid them by $2.70.  WOW !  I often wonder if when they [State Govt] interview people for government [public sector] jobs, is a prerequisite that you have absolutely no common sense, humanity, compassion, or concern for fiscal expenditures; or is it that they work to train these official drones until they become mindless government weebles?

Yes, now I do feel better having gotten that off my chest, but in the world of paperwork-here we still are.  So very close to the final package going to Olga in Ekat, but not quite there yet.   Fingerprints were sent on March 17, 2010 and still no reply.  My credit card was charged the $36 in May, so maybe that means the turtle is nearing the finish line.  Everything is back from NJ with an Apostille on it, and I patiently make copies of each document and each apostille for my files and Frank Adoption files as well. 

Wednesday  May 26th , my boys turned 17 months old.  3 months older than when I met them.  I wonder what they are up to?  Are they talking more, walking unassisted, eating different foods?  Everytime I walk past their empty bedroom, my heart quietly breaks.

What I thought was pretty quick on our part with paperwork, turned out to be the wait for other "officials" to get papers back to us.  So, I think this week I will send everything off.  Double check my documents again and send them to Olga.  I am sure I will get a redo list anyway, so why quibble over the small stuff right now.

In Wildwood, NJ now, most of the foreigners are here for the summer. Russians, Bulgarians, Ukrainians etc.  Many work for my family and many come into our restaurant and bar.  They very nicely ask about the boys and "tsk" dramatically when we tell them about the paperwork.  It's funny, because the Russians are the most appalled at the kind of paperwork we need to complete.  Many have said "Tell them to give you those children and get them out of those orphanages!"   Oh, if only I can take you with me to tell the judge that in Russian !
We have a great relationship with the Europeans where we live.  They are hard working, fun, and pretty easy going for the most part; but that's probably because they are young.  In their 20's and 30's and here to work or learn.  I think the bureaucracy is learned and taught after age 40 in any country, including the USA.  The Russian Students ask me about the family of the children; do I know them, will they know them?  I think they seem very encouraged that I have information on the mother and brothers of Sasha and Pasha, and someday when they need it or want it- I have it for them.   I think it would be good for them to know their heritage and share the beauty of America with others.

This week I will send off that package via DHL to Olga; and whatever is missing can follow. I feel like I would have at least accomplished something if its on its way to Russia by June.  Sometimes I actually think the agencies delay things on purpose (not sure why).  I was asked to change and add to several documents several times. I couldn't understand why that wasn't told in the beginnning when the document was obtained? 

I do know one thing; when this process is over and I have those boys with me to love and to raise, they will always know their heritage, they will always know where they came from,  and they will never know how this paperwork and wait time has mentally defeated me.  I will never regret the road to them, no matter how unpaved and steep it may be; but as far as they have to know, the ride was nothing more than a summer carriage in central park; maybe with a few pigeon poohs on the way !

Spero di vederti presto bambini !!


Laura said...

Wow...I never thought of even sending nor mentioning our timeshare info when going through the process. Hmmm.

Good to hear you're getting your p/w off to Olga so Lydia can translate what you already have. Then when you get the slow-poke agency's p/'ll already have most of it ready!

Hang in there and don't let this process mentally defeat you. It's long as we were all told initially but use the time to finish up projects, go out as a couple, do things for yourself, etc. because once those two angels are in your arms --- nothing gets done unless it's for them!

Blessings to you all and I wish you a fast turnaround with the rest of the p/w and "the call" not too far off in your future. :)


Beth said...

WOW I hope you get a court date soon!! Oh when is that lovely female judge going on vacation!!!! It is true you do forget about the paper work after they are home well almost, I still here it from Mattie WHy did that Russian judge need so much paper work, He also asked the WHFC rep who came to our house about all the Russian paper work. that is just the way it is I tell him.

DO you know anyone going to Ekat that could bring a care package to the boys for you?? That helped me during the wait.

We need to plan a visit, I get out of school on June 15th so you tell me when might be good for you.

Beth and the boys

Sandy LaMonaca-DiEduardo said...

Hi Laura and Beth !
I would not have put in the timeshare stuff, but my accountant put it in the assets, so I had to have it. Just another hurdle. The best part is the I mailed my paperwork June 4 and my medicals expire June 18...One YEAR TO THE DAY when my dossier was submitted. Isn't that funny?! I finally got my FBI prints back- 2 hours AFTER I mailed my package to Russia..OF COURSE !! And guess what...we aren't criminals! Lucky us ! But one more round of paperwork !

Laura said...

I love the pic at the European/Asian border --- we have the same one. Our driver took it just as a HUGE snowstorm was coming in (yes, on May 1st!). Ahhh, you've brought back some wonderful memories! :)

DHL arrived???