Asia/Europe Continental Border

Asia/Europe Continental Border

Sunday, December 5, 2010

OK...Now I can get a little more excited !

I am always cautiously optimistic when the agencies call and tell you that you are going, or something exciting is happening.  My experience is that it was soon followed with "oh wait, never mind."  But this time it is really  real !  We have our tickets for 11 Dec our of JFK on AEROFLOT and we arrive Ekat on 12 Dec.

Our tentative court date is still 24 Dec, which better not change or I will camp on the judge's front step like a crazy American !   We also used Ludmilla from the NY visa agency and we should have our visas by Wed at the latest.  Very easy, so far.

I am going to University of Pennsylvania tomorrow to get a document stamped for the the Director of the Home Study agency.  They want an original signature, so I told him that I will go myself and get it !!
Good thing he didn't go to University of Hawaii !!  That should be the LAST document.  I pray !

I asked Micahlina if there is any hope of the judge waiving the 2 weeks.  She laughed and gave a definitive "NO".  I said " Wow ! In 2 years, that's the FIRST definite answer we got from anyone !!"   She said, "Yeah, given Ekaterinburg, that is the ONLY definite answer we can give. !"

Oh well, at least I will have my boys soon.   We haven't flown Aeroflot yet, but all of you experts tell me its great, so I am sure we will enjoy it.  We were on Lufthansa last time, but this time given the holiday the $ was crazy ! 

We have one bag each, but another 2nd piece each with donations for the orphanage.  Luckily Aeroflot is running a special until 15 DEC that allows you to bring 2 pieces of checked  luggage for free.  We had it all in one case, but it was 55 lbs, so it looks like we have to break it into two !
Oh well, the return will be MUCH lighter !!   I don't think anyone in Europe packs like Americans do ! We actually change clothes alot more often than they do !

But it looks like it is real and I will keep you all posted on any new news and changes and I will email from Russia as well.


Merry Christmas and God Bless Us all in the New Year !!


Beth said...

I am crying right now AI am so excited for you 2 soon to be family of 4!! The only comment I have with Aeroflat is be early at JFK for check in!!! Talk to you soon.

beth Mattie and Jake

Laura said...

Sounds like everything is moving like clockwork!

And I had to laugh about the 2-week wait answer you got from Michalina. True, the 10-day wait is the only thing certain in Ekat so fingers are crossed that the wait is over before their Christmas holidays in January. We were there with 2 holidays during our "15" day wait -- but oh, the joy on that 15th day made every minute worth the wait.

And Aeroflot - ours was a no-frills flight but the money saved is appreciated later!


Sandy LaMonaca-DiEduardo said...

Hey Beth & Laura ! We plan on getting there 3 hours early !
I have heard very mixed reviews on Aeroflot, but hey, with a savings of $2200 - I will deal with it !
Let's see what the "wait" turns out to be !

Laura said...

Regarding Aeroflot -- you will be so physically and emotionally exhausted when you finally sit down and buckle up that chances are, you will sleep the entire flight. Jon and I both slept (and got to stretch out since there were tons of empty seats!) the entire flight and let me tell you, had it been a fancy, schmancy full of frill flight, I wouldn't have benefitted from them at all. BUT, we saved moola -- more to spend on the kiddos!

(Almost...) Bon Voyage!!

~Laura :)